• Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home,KCM Crew

    Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home

    Are you wondering if it makes sense to buy a home right now? While today’s mortgage rates might seem a bit intimidating, here are two compelling reasons why it still may be a good time to become a homeowner.Home Values Appreciate over TimeThere’s been a lot of confusion around what’s happened with home prices over the past two years. While they did dip ever so slightly in late 2022, this year they’ve been appreciating at a more normal pace, which is good news for the housing market. And while looking at price movement over just a year or two can make you worry prices are usually this unpredictable, history shows in the long run, home values rise (see graph below): Using data from the Federal Reserve for the past 60 years, you can see the overall trend is home prices have climbed quite steadily. Sure, there was an exception around the housing crash of 2008 that caused prices to break the usual trend for a time, but overall, home values have been consistently on the rise.Increasing home values is one great reason why buying may make more sense than renting. As prices rise, and as you pay down your mortgage, you build equity. Over time, that growing equity gives your net worth a boost.Rent Keeps Going Up Through the YearsAnother reason you may want to consider buying a home instead of renting is the never-ending rent hike. If you've ever felt the pinch of rent increasing year after year, you're not alone. That’s because, rents have climbed steadily over the past six decades (see graph below):By buying a home, you can lock in your monthly housing costs and bid farewell to those pesky rent hikes. That stability is a game-changer.In the end, it all boils down to this: your housing payments are an investment, and you've got a choice to make. Do you want to invest in yourself or your landlord?By becoming a homeowner, you're investing in your own future. When you rent, that’s money you never get back.When you factor in home values consistently rising, plus the opportunity to get relief from never-ending rent hikes, homeownership can be a path to financial security. As Dr. Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief Economist and VP of Research at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), states: “If a homebuyer is financially stable, able to manage monthly mortgage costs and can handle the associated household maintenance expenses, then it makes sense to purchase a home.”Bottom LineWhen it comes down to it, buying a home offers more benefits than renting, even when mortgage rates are high. If you want to avoid increasing rents and take advantage of long-term home price appreciation, connect with a local real estate agent to go over your options.

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  • The Perks of Selling Your House When Inventory Is Low,KCM Crew

    The Perks of Selling Your House When Inventory Is Low

    When it comes to selling your house, you’re probably trying to juggle the current market conditions and your own needs as you plan your move. One thing that may be working in your favor is how few homes there are for sale right now. Here’s what you need to know about the current inventory situation and what it means for you.The Supply of Homes for Sale Is Far Below the NormWhen you’re selling something, it helps if what you’re selling is in demand, but is also in low supply. Why? That makes it even more desirable since there’s not enough to go around. That’s exactly what’s happening in the housing market today. There are more buyers looking to buy than there are homes for sale.To tell the story of just how low inventory is, here’s the latest information on active listings, or homes available for sale. The graph below uses data from Realtor.com to show how many active listings there were in September of this year compared to what’s more typical in the market.As you can see in the graph, if you look at the last normal years for the market (shown in the blue bars) versus the latest numbers for this year (shown in the red bar), it’s clear inventory is still far lower than the norm.What That Means for YouBuyers have fewer choices now than they did in more typical years. And that’s why you could still see some great perks if you sell today. Because there aren’t enough homes to go around, homes that are priced right are still selling fast and the average seller is getting multiple offers from eager buyers. Based on the latest data from the Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR):69% of homes sold in less than a month.2.6 offers: the average number of offers on recently sold homes.An article from Realtor.com also explains how the limited number of houses for sale benefits you if you’re selling:“. . . homes spent two weeks less on the market this past month than they did in the average September from 2017 to 2019 . . . as still-limited supply spurs homebuyers to act quickly . . .”Bottom LineBecause the supply of homes for sale is so low, buyers desperately want more options – and your house may be just what they’re looking for. If you work with a trusted local agent to get your house listed at the right price for today’s market. You could still see it sell quickly and potentially get multiple offers.

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  • Are Higher Mortgage Rates Here To Stay?,KCM Crew

    Are Higher Mortgage Rates Here To Stay?

    Mortgage rates have been back on the rise recently and that’s getting a lot of attention from the press. If you’ve been following the headlines, you may have even seen rates recently reached their highest level in over two decades (see graph below):     That can feel like a little bit of a gut punch if you’re thinking about making a move. If you’re wondering whether or not you should delay your plans, here’s what you really need to know.    How Higher Mortgage Rates Impact You   There’s no denying mortgage rates are higher right now than they were in recent years. And, when rates are up, that affects overall home affordability. It works like this. The higher the rate, the more expensive it is to borrow money when you buy a home. That’s because, as rates trend up, your monthly mortgage payment for your future home loan also increases.   Urban Institute explains how this is impacting buyers and sellers right now:  “When mortgage rates go up, monthly housing payments on new purchases also increase. For potential buyers, increased monthly payments can reduce the share of available affordable homes . . . Additionally, higher interest rates mean fewer homes on the market, as existing homeowners have an incentive to hold on to their home to keep their low interest rate.”   Basically, some people are deciding to put their plans on hold because of where mortgage rates are right now. But what you want to know is: is that a good strategy?  Where Will Mortgage Rates Go from Here?   If you’re eager for mortgage rates to drop, you’re not alone. A lot of people are waiting for that to happen. But here’s the thing. No one knows when it will. Even the experts can’t say with certainty what’s going to happen next.   Forecasts project rates will fall in the months ahead, but what the latest data says is that rates have been climbing lately. This disconnect shows just how tricky mortgage rates are to project.   The best advice for your move is this: don’t try to control what you can’t control. This includes trying to time the market or guess what the future holds for mortgage rates. As CBS News states:  “If you're in the market for a new home, experts typically recommend focusing your search on the right home purchase — not the interest rate environment.”  Instead, work on building a team of skilled professionals, including a trusted lender and real estate agent, who can explain what’s happening in the market and what it means for you. If you need to move because you’re changing jobs, want to be closer to family, or are in the middle of another big life change, the right team can help you achieve your goal, even now.  Bottom Line The best advice for your move is: don’t try to control what you can’t control – especially mortgage rates. Even the experts can’t say for certain where they’ll go from here. Instead, focus on building a team of trusted professionals who can keep you informed. When you’re ready to get the process started, connect with a local real estate agent.

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1Vision Real Estate

Thinking of selling your home? Look no further than 1Vision Real Estate, the trusted team led by Diego and Nauz. With their expertise in selling high-value homes and over 20 years of industry experience, they understand the unique selling points of your property. Unlike traditional realtors, Diego and Nauz bring an entrepreneurial mindset and personalized approach, ensuring your financial security and future goals are top priorities. 

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